Article 12417

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Okshin Vladimir Vasil'evich, Head of the Orenburg office of the Federal Antitrust Service (22 Krasnoznamennaya street, Orenburg, Russia); head of the base sub-department of antitrust regulation and organization of procurement, Orenburg
State University (13 Pobedy avenue, Orenburg, Russia),
Savina Antonina Mecheslavovna, Candidate of economic sciences, associate professor, base sub-department of antitrust regulation and organization of procuremen, Orenburg State University (13 Pobedy avenue, Orenburg, Russia),

Index UDK

339.137.2: 005.584.1




Background. The article discusses the theoretical and practical aspects of monitoring of the competitive business environment on the market of goods and services in Orenburg region. The relevance of the research problem due to the increased competition in regional markets, and a high degree of environment’ variability in conditions of increased competition, which has an impact on socio-economic development of the area. The purpose of the study is to explore the level of sociallyoriented
competition’s level in the regional market.
Materials and methods. A sociological survey is the main method used by authors in the study of the competition’s level. The proposals for the development of competition in the regional market were formulated on the basis of behavioral, structural and functional approaches to the study of competition. Based on the monitoring of the competitive business environment, the authors have identified the problematic segments of the regional market associated with the development of competition: the market of natural monopoly, the market of social services and market mining.
Results. The authors propose to use social indicators to measure the competitive environment in the region, the key of which will be the level of prices in the market of goods and services, the quality of goods and services, stable market supply of goods and services and the breadth of goods and services’ selection for consumers. Conclusions. Social indicators of competition assessment in regional markets for goods and services will allow us to assess the perception of the competitive environment by the population and to develop a socially-oriented competition policy.

Key words

competition, monitoring of the competitive business environment, socially-oriented competition

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 09:11
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 11:16